Hey people, as promised, this week will be the MAGIC week. I'll be revealing the
secrets behind all these so called "MAGIC". -----------------------------------------------> This is not David Blaine.. :P Well for the first post I will be revealing the tricks of how coins vanish into thin air. It's not hocus -pocus or alakazaM! It's merely some tricks. I will now try to describe how the whole trick works and then include a video down there for you guys to watch ya! :)
Making a coin vanish 1. Hold the coin with your thumb and your three other fingers (other than the thumb) of your left/right hand.
2. Take your other hand and pretend like you are taking the coin from your left/right hand. When you take the coin, take it with your whole hand wrapped around the coin.
3. Release your grip on the coin and let it fall on your palm.
4. Pretend you took it and then open the hand that took it. Yes! It's that simple.
There are some other ways in performing this trick. But it all comes down to the same thing. Speed and accuracy. So keep practicing and wow your friends! Now that we know how to make the coin vanish, HOW DO WE MAKE IT COME BACK?
Coin Reproduction
1. Place the coin between the thumb and the fore finger.
2. By making your hand into a knuckle, the coin will go between your index finger and your middle finger.
3. Once intact, clip it and retract your fingers. Now that you know, try it! If you still cannot visualise it, watch the video below and you'll understand better. :) Go ahead and try it. (*whispering- I've tried a lot of times but failed.. :P Practice practice practice!) So there you go, a simple magic trick for the first post.
NEXT STOP! Levitation! What is levitation? Basically, hovering and lifting up from the ground. In simple words, FLYING! Now many people are amazed when magicians levitate in front of them. But let me tell you, that there is a logical explanation that reveals the SECRET of this trade.
Secrets of Levitation REVEALED! (It's really easy! Even I've done it!)
1. Firstly you need to find the right angle where you want the audience to be able to see your entire right foot but only the heel of your left foot.
2. Keep your left leg in the dark.
3. Lift your left foot up like you are tip toe-ing.
Yes! There is nothing so complicating about levitation. Don't believe me? Watch the video below. ;)
secrets behind all these so called "MAGIC". -----------------------------------------------> This is not David Blaine.. :P Well for the first post I will be revealing the tricks of how coins vanish into thin air. It's not hocus -pocus or alakazaM! It's merely some tricks. I will now try to describe how the whole trick works and then include a video down there for you guys to watch ya! :)
Making a coin vanish 1. Hold the coin with your thumb and your three other fingers (other than the thumb) of your left/right hand.
2. Take your other hand and pretend like you are taking the coin from your left/right hand. When you take the coin, take it with your whole hand wrapped around the coin.
3. Release your grip on the coin and let it fall on your palm.
4. Pretend you took it and then open the hand that took it. Yes! It's that simple.
There are some other ways in performing this trick. But it all comes down to the same thing. Speed and accuracy. So keep practicing and wow your friends! Now that we know how to make the coin vanish, HOW DO WE MAKE IT COME BACK?
Coin Reproduction
1. Place the coin between the thumb and the fore finger.
2. By making your hand into a knuckle, the coin will go between your index finger and your middle finger.
3. Once intact, clip it and retract your fingers. Now that you know, try it! If you still cannot visualise it, watch the video below and you'll understand better. :) Go ahead and try it. (*whispering- I've tried a lot of times but failed.. :P Practice practice practice!) So there you go, a simple magic trick for the first post.
NEXT STOP! Levitation! What is levitation? Basically, hovering and lifting up from the ground. In simple words, FLYING! Now many people are amazed when magicians levitate in front of them. But let me tell you, that there is a logical explanation that reveals the SECRET of this trade.
Secrets of Levitation REVEALED! (It's really easy! Even I've done it!)
1. Firstly you need to find the right angle where you want the audience to be able to see your entire right foot but only the heel of your left foot.
2. Keep your left leg in the dark.
3. Lift your left foot up like you are tip toe-ing.
Yes! There is nothing so complicating about levitation. Don't believe me? Watch the video below. ;)
I've been trying to do this for a really long time... haha. Tak jadi pun!
hahaa.. practice practice practice! :)
the coin trick was neat!!...but like u said, practice practice practice and possess a good sleight of hand :)
hi yuen!
i dont need to levitate coz paul walker's gonna carry me :P